
Drupal enterprise hosting companies
Bluehost: Exclusive for Drupal users only $2.95/month! 50% OFF! As the leader in open source hosting technology, Bluehost is the best shared hosting provider available. Use the MOJO 1-click...
Book navigation block drupal hosting
How to manage blocks in Drupal The layout of your Drupal site is divided into regions. The number and positions of these regions depend on the theme of your site. These regions are occupied by...
Add custom page in drupal hosting
Declare the path and its options. This step includes the page title, the access requirements for the page, and others. In Drupal 7, you had to implement hook_menu() . In Drupal 8, create the...
Open publish drupal hosting
OpenPublish is a Drupal 7 packaged distribution designed for the online news industry. It is deployed in a variety of media outlets sites including magazines, newspapers, journals, trade...
Theme specific page drupal hosting
Please note: We provide support in English, Spanish and French. Theme Description MegaHost is a clean and elegant Drupal 7 template for hosting and corporate. This template can also be used for...
Shopping cart in drupal hosting
During the Commerce 2.x session at DrupalCon Dublin we officially tagged Drupal Commerce 2.0-beta1, our first production ready release. This does not mean it is feature complete or bug-free,...
Fast drupal 7 hosting
Fast, Secure, Modular, Scalable, Multilingual, Searchable, Search Engine Optimized Internet Websites for the Semantic Web. Featuring Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 web site and web hosting for...
Scotch box drupal hosting
I have a vagrant virtual box up and running. So far I have been unable to connect to the web server. here is the start up: on my host console, ip addr show yields: on the guest it yields: For...
Site preview system drupal hosting
3283 votes 4.89 of 5 InMotion Hosting is the most outstanding Drupal hosting provider that is proudly hosting a large number of Drupal sites and being recommended by many review sites. The 100%...
Change field type drupal hosting
When working with images in Drupal 7, you can control which types of images you want to be uploaded for each content type. Perhaps you want to restrict the files to gif and jpg files, or only...
Time to first byte slow drupal hosting
I put together a D7 site with a Minelli subtheme. Along the way I experimented a lot with different themes, different modules. Somewhere along the way I developed an odd performance issue, and...
Easy gallery drupal hosting
Changes will be coming to this module soon! I just took over this project and it will be in active development. Recently added pager functionality. I have cleared out the issue queue. If you...
Innodb vs myisam drupal hosting
We're running CiviCRM 4.6.8 on WordPress 4.3.1. I've been getting the following error message since the last CiviCRM upgrade: Warning Your database is configured to use the MyISAM database...
Change site language drupal hosting
In this documentation, we can check how to change Drupal login URL. This can be done by installing the module ‘rename_admin-paths’. This module is used to secure Drupal back-end by overriding...
Php cs fixer drupal hosting
For more than a year, some influent PHP programmers of the most active of the most active projects in the community have been working on coding standards. The group is name PHP Framework...
Dsm module drupal hosting
l10n_update.module on line 117 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ dsm($input, $name = NULL) ▸ 3 functions call dsm()...
Data export import module drupal hosting
Before you import your Drupal application to Acquia Cloud, perform the following tasks to prepare your application for the import process. This will help you better prevent, diagnose, and...
Best comment module drupal hosting
In my previous post. I wrote about how multisite is a powerful mechanism for code management. In this post, I am going to talk about how to manage multi-site at an infrastructure level, and the...
Field types drupal hosting
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to collect a certain type of data on a node form and display it in a certain way that wasn't supported by the core Drupal field types? Rather...
Views search filter drupal hosting
This documentation is based on D7 with Search API 7.x-1.1 and Views 3. Getting started First create a Search server and Search index as per the directions in the previous section. In the index...
Multi site drupal hosting
If you are running more than one Drupal site, you can simplify the management and can upgrade your sites by using the multi-site feature. Multi-site allows you to share a single Drupal...
Co ment drupal hosting
Onecomment restricts users to posting only one comment per node. Perhaps you have a petition content type, which users should only be able to sign once? Onecomment allows you to ensure this....
Best seo tools for drupal hosting
Posted by Susan Rosie On Aug 26, 2014 2014-08-26T10:00:32+00:00 Drupal is among the best content management systems for SEO. Its community has made a lot of contributions in the form of a large...
Template php in drupal hosting
Looking for the perfect hosting company web template? Want your hosting provider website to be especially trendy? Take a look a this material style Drupal template for hosting business! This...