The bpm experience wordpress hosting

If you are looking for success with BPM, there are, by my count, 19 hurdles. Different consultants use different approaches, their approaches are effective within some customer cultures/not so effective in others, the tools used by the consultant and the customer vary.

At the end of the day what counts is the customer journey.

To contain the scope of the discussion, let’s isolate the following as not being part of “BPM”.

The bpm experience wordpress hosting assessing progress toward meeting

  • formulating corporate strategies
  • ranking candidate initiatives
  • selecting initiatives in the context of scarce resources, risk and uncertainty
  • authorizing implementation of initiatives

The question becomes which of the following areas of BPM expertise are “easy” at the customer level, which are not.

Go ahead and rank these and feel free to critique any you feel should not be part of BPM and add others you feel should be part of BPM.

Straight away I can identify a 20th which is “ability to carry out CEM within your bpm run-time environment so that you are on the lookout for and responsive to customer touch points”.

E=Easy M=Moderate, D=Difficult

  1. mapping out processes (concept level);
  2. transitioning concept maps to production-level detail;
  3. improving processes prior to rollout;
  4. selecting an appropriate run-time environment (i.e. Case, unless you can suggest something better);
  5. rollout of improved processes to the run-time environment (compiling graphic maps to run-time templates);
  6. setting up Case-level governance;
  7. setting Case objectives;
  8. streaming Case records onto instances of run-time templates;
  9. threading together process fragments;
  10. managing workflow at Cases (skill performance roles);
  11. managing workload at Cases (users prioritizing tasks);
  12. insertion of ad hoc steps (processes of one step, if you like);
  13. interoperability (people, machines, software, at various places);
  14. managing workload across Cases (by supervisors);
  15. assessing progress toward meeting objectives at Cases;
  16. consolidating Case data to KPIs;
  17. challenging KPI trends, KPIs, initiatives, strategies;
  18. real-time decision support at Cases;
  19. data mining for the purpose of auto-improvement of processes.

The no one disputes the potential of CEM (Customer Experience Management) for attracting and retaining customers and for administrative cost reduction in the area of goods and services delivery.

Since BPM has a similar focus (i.e. delighting customers) the question arises as to whether an organization needs both a CEMs and a BPMs. (i.e can CEM and BPM play together in the sandbox?)

The answer? It depends.

Whereas BPM implementations are fairly straightforward, a range of implementation strategies exists for CEM.

The bpm experience wordpress hosting too large and

Aggressive CEM implementations mine your social data. These implementations post ads for goods/services you have been researching to a giant screen as you walk through a shopping mall.

Passive CEM implementations wait for customer inreach and try to delight customers on-the-fly.

A third strategy is to put in place outreach facilities.

Here’s one way you can practice outreach CEM within BPM.

When mapping processes, anticipate and include customer touch points as process steps. At run time, as each of these will become current along a Case timeline, you will be able to seamlessly reach out to your customer in content and situation-appropriate ways.

Secondly, accommodate ad hoc reachout in your BPMs run time environment. This allows you to contact the customer at any point along a Case timeline.

e- mail is not the communication method of choice for a CEM implementation. Not secure, not easy to extract content from messages, and not easy to route incoming messages to Cases.

A better strategy is to get customers to log into a Customer Portal that you set up.

For security reasons, no Portal user should be able to establish a cursor position at a back end DBMS (database management system). A processing engine that sits between the back end DBMS and the Portal solves the problem nicely.

All Civerex BPMs’ rely on back end application system Calendar Events to trigger posts to Customer Portal InTrays (plan-side customer touch points, run-time ad hoc customer touch points). Posting of a Calendar Event at the back end application system results in a pending information/action line at the Portal. Calendar Events can be posted at the back end application manually or automatically.

Can you have 360-degree CEM as part of your BPMs?

Yes! – you may have the capability to integrate CEM right now or you may be only a few steps away from integrating CEM into your BPMS.

Cost savings in the order of 20-30% as a result of implementing BPM/CEM are not uncommon as a result of reductions in the number of phone calls and mailings to customers.

For more information on CEM and BPM, call Civerex Systems at 1+450 458 5601

One of the commenters at a “Are Processes Key to Scalability?” discussion asked the question:

“What do we call ‘process’ so the high growth CEO will see it as important?”

Here is my response:

Agree with the need for a rename.

We know everything is a process. Processes convert inputs to outputs.

We know that a “process” can be a linked set of steps or a single step, and at a practical level any mix of these (the “processing” remains the same – inputs get converted to outputs).

We know that managing a business is all about evolving strategies, defining goals/objectives, with periodic assessment of progress toward meeting these goals/objectives.

The problem is few processes are end-to-end in b2b, so we end up having to accommodate random mixes of linked sets of steps and ad hoc steps. We need a place to manage these steps – call it Case, if no one can come with a better suggestion.

Case is nothing more than a cursor position in a post-relational database management structure. The structure is not restricted to pre-defined data storage tables/fields. A Case record can accommodate objects that require apps to view the content (images, spreadsheets. doc/.pdf/.rtf, even audio/video recordings).

Some of these objects are stored in specific database fields, some in Binary Large Object fields, some are too large and need to be “stored” in external files with links to these objects. Bottom line, Case can accommodate anything and if you need sub-Cases (multiple orders for the same customer, multiple claims on an insurance policy, multiple episodes for a patient), no worries.

What is Case Management? – is this really not part of “Business Performance Management” – relying on what we probably could call “best practices” (i.e. process fragments consisting of linked steps, plus ad hoc interventions by resources who use experience, judgment, intuition and decision support).

Surely CEO’s would relate to Business Performance Management (BPM) as an alternative to Business Process Management? (i.e. they set strategy, resources are allocated to Cases via ROI submissions and via annual operating budgets – this ensures, to an extent, that the only work undertaken is work that is supportive of strategy).

Phase II is to monitor progress at the operational level toward meeting Case goals/objectives. Where are these goals/objectives? Surely not plan-side as the end steps in flowgraphs (i.e. we have moved from end-to-end processes to process fragments).

The answer is we find goals/objectives at Cases (run-time side) and Case Management breaks down to performing interventions at Cases that advance Case goals/objectives.

Now, few knowledge workers deal with only one Case – the reason is progress at Cases is often held up for various reasons (handoffs, wait times), so most workers will be working on 10, 20, possibly 50 Cases at a time (yes, for healthcare; yes, for insurance claims; yes, for job-shop manufacturing), so, the role of supervisors is not to manage individual Cases but rather that of allocating, leveling and balancing resources across multiple Cases.

Enter KPI’s at the strategy level – this is where we narrow the gap between operations and strategy.

Strategy -> Initiatives -> Cases -> KPIs –> Strategy

Here, all we need is the ability to consolidate Case data from multiple Cases to an environment hosting corporate KPIs and CEOs have what they need to ‘steer the ship’. I.e. Business Performance Management.

Almost, but not quite.

Missing is the ability to challenge the statistics and, to do this, CEOs need corporate knowledgebases where they can, on their own or, with a little help from staff, test KPIs trends against information in the corporate Kbase (i.e. our sales in country ABC are up 10%, sales in ABC for our three main competitors are up 20%, so reporting that “10%” is “good” needs to be investigated).

Structured sequences of steps plus ad hoc steps can collectively be called “best practices”.

Case provides the environment for performing work.

The way goals/objectives are set up at Cases and the way Cases are managed helps ensure that work is at all times supportive of strategy.

Business Performance Management is what the organization does to build, maintain and enhance competitive advantage.

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